FOX & Friends First : FOXNEWSW : August 14, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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walking punch line, and one of the reasons they've been able td abandon all of their kamalan principles, which they hated her three months ago but one of thea reasons to benefit to liking her no one saw them hating her three months away. they can get away with a flip-flop in a unique way. i like colbert because he getsn guys like me ratings. the big fancy restaurant that leaves you hungry and i like the mcdonald's that you stop at on the way home. on behalf of fox news saturday nighdayt and researching demo my thanked colbert who continues to fail, dasty audiences by rest masquerading as comedians. >> laura: just be a comedianmedi and you can poke fun at everyonv and it's actually funnier that way. jimmy, thank you for joining us as always, great to see you. that is it for us tonight. remember it is >> todd: a fox news alert. tropical storm ernesto expected

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to turn into a hurricane this morning. we are tracking it for you. >> carley: migrant crime highlighting kamala harris role in the migrant crisis and president trump warns a vote for harris is a vote for four years of chaos. >> todd: and accused of editing news headlines in google searches. major news outlets said they had no idea this was a thing. cheryl casone will explain. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we have all that coming up. head to the campaign trail. former president trump and j.d. vance are in two critical states and tim walz holding his first solo event. >> todd: absent is democratic nominee himself. mike emmanual has more.

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mike. >> mike: former president trump will travel from florida to a ashville, north carolina. and j.d. vance will be in grand rapids. the focus will of course be on the economy. >> all that being said, the election coming up and people want to hear about the economy and fact they can't buy groceries because they don't have enough money. we will reduce taxes further for middle income people and businesses. we set a record, did more deregulation and more restrictions on businesses than any other president. >> mike: and tim walz did his first solo event in know front of unions. >> you press legislature to do

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the right thing. we know how to do this. we have 84 days to take control of our own destiny, 84 damn days. that is easy. we'll sleep when we're dead, we'll do the work now. >> mike: harris has no public events today and her campaign has taken heat for her limited activity. >> she does not have an interview does not mean she is not taking her message to voters about how tos protect them and exknow panned their rights. >> mike: expect more down the stretch of the campaign. >> todd: hear a lot from those states. former candidate nikki haley has a blunt message for republicans. take a listen. >> one thing republicans have to stop doing, quit whining about her. we knew it was going to be her.

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she will not give an interview. they will hold out as long as they can. s that discipline not mean we can't talk about what she believes in. fight for suburban women, for college educated, for independent, for moderate republicans and conservative democrats. >> todd: check calendars, it's been 24 days since harris launched her campaign, no formal interviews or press conferences. >> carley: to result of special primary election in battleground wisconsin. the republican defeating two -- weed will face democrat liarley in november, the winner will serve out the remainder of gallagher's term. tony weed joins me now. congratulations on last night, how you feeling after your win

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and what is your message? >> thank you, kayleigh. it is great to be here. we were up late last night, huge win for the movement. thanks to voters in district eight and thanks president trump for his endorsem*nt. right now i wants to unite republicans in this district. we're full speed ahead. focus on securing border, lowering prices and reigning in reckless spending. >> carley: the primary is out of the way and it comes down to november. new "new york times" sienna poll shows kamala harris has momentum joe biden did not have. up against donald trump 50 to 46 in wisconsin. why do you think that is?

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does that concern you? >> right now, i think everyone has to ask and people in this district are saying, are we better off now than we were four years ago? the answer is no, economics, safety, security, home and abroad. we were safer under president trump. i know people will see through that and people want change in wash ush wa. that is why they spoered me and i sp support president trump. >> carley: the governor of neighboring state to you, minnesota, tim walz is the v.p. pick. one reason democrats selected him, they think he can appeal to working class midwest voters. do his values align with them? >> right here in district eight, it is rural america. we are working class,

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hard-working folks that work hard day in and day out, they want to be left alone, they don't need government intervening in their lives. resounding yes for america first movement. i'm honored to have support of voters in district eight. we look forward to winning and supporting president trump. >> carley: wisconsin, six mill y million people. you are talking to people, republicans and democrats, what do they tell you about issues that matter most to them? are any saying they are satisfied right now? >> no, people want change. that is what last night was about. people want change. they are not happy with how things are going. they are not better off than they were four years ago. they are looking at rising

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prices in the combrsh store, the border completely overrun, government rek reckless in spending. people are ready for change and i'm hearing that day in and day out as i travel to all 11 counties in our district. i'm excited to bring that change and looking forward to being a part of president trump. i'm looking forward to working with him. >> carley: we know you want to get to, wo. hope you can get some rest now that this phase is over. thank you and congratulations to you. >> thank you. >> todd: take a look at primary races, congresswoman ilhan omar fending off don samuels, bringing end to the progressive squad losing streak. she will go up against -- royce

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white beating out retired navy officer frarz frazier. will take on klobuchar in the fall. and second congressional district setting up a race against craig. go to a fox news alert. tropical storm ernesto could become a hurricane any time now. possible mutted slides on the island. >> carley: independence puerto rico and virgin island, the storm picks up strength. janice dean is here. >> janice: i'm concerned about puerto rico, it is not technically a hurricane, it will bring the same results. it's a big deal.

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the storm is almost a hurricane, this is 5:00 a.m. advisory, i expect today will become a hurricane as it emerges in the puerto rico area and will continue to move north. we have flash flooding for many regions across puerto rico and this is a huge concern, this place does not do well with tropical events. in terms of steering currents, area of high pressure across u.s. and in the atlantic will steer this toward the north over next few days. east coast, watch this, even though we will not see correct impact, we will see high surf and rip currents. high pressure is going to grow stronger and curve this toward the north and east. here is official track as of 5:00 a.m. this will become a major hurricane, category three. bermuda, you need to watch this

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and could be in crosshairs of a dangerous hurricane. for the northeast and new england and canada keeping an eye on ernesto. heavy rain for the lower 48, courtesy of a stalled cold front. we will see heavy rounds going into friday. severe risk for central u.s. and scattered showers for southwest and across mississippi river valley. here is rainfall to come. areas saturated and issue that flooding is a concern and dealing with heat for parts of south and gulf coast. mention severe risk for widespread area. thunderstorms, large hail and isolated tornados. all eyes on ernesto impacting puerto rico right now. here i am at your service. >> carley: total job security.

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thank you, see you soon. shocking details here. ice just arrested a migrant accused of raping a child in massachusetts after he was freed on $500 bond. >> todd: a live report on that next. ♪ limu emu... ♪ and doug. (bell ringing) limu, someone needs to customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. let's fly! (inaudible sounds)

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chief! doug. (inaudible sounds) ooooo ah. (elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ [water flowing] [phone dings] oh my god. what? the host is coming back. (♪) [birds chirping] [phone dings] meanwhile, at a vrbo... oh my god. what? i got onekeycash on this house. hmm...

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with so much entertainment out there wouldn't it be great... ...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> carley: a fox news alert. haitian migrant in federal custody after being released on low bond by massachusetts sheriff office despite being accused of raping a child in a migrant shelter. >> todd: brooke singman has details. >> brooke: the migrant has been on the run since march since posting $500 bond.

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c corialvarez technically came to the u.s. legally in 2023 using biden-harris parole program. once arrested ice requested custody, it was ignored because he was arrested in a sanctuary city. and a man accused of raping a woman on a new york city park bench, the same old story. arrested by border agents last may and released without bail because detention center ran out of space. he is being held at rykers island. >> these are rough people, people in jail for murder and all sorts of things and that i are releasing them.

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they call it migrant crime, i call it biden migrant crime, maybe i'll call it kamala migrant crime. >> brooke: in past two weeks, three sex crimes have been committed by migrants. >> todd: none of those crimes happen if these are not sanctuary cities and they are not illegally allowed in the state in the first place. new survey revealing washington, d.c. is least desirable place to live in our country. crime, homelessness and migrant crisis are reasons. our next guest relocated from washington to virginia, fears things could get worse. adam joins us now. you have nothing in this life, what was tipping point for you to get out of d.c.? >> having my bar broken into five times, my family threatened

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by people on the street, just knowing any point in time harm could come to us. it is tough to say being a third generation washingtonian, to leave my city behind is a big deal. >> todd: if kamala wins, how mu muches much worse can nations get? >> d.c. should be a big flashing warning assign to others in the country. if you want d.c. to be what our nation is going to look like, vote for kamala and walz. what they will do, liberal agenda will proliferate and they will bring this country to their knees. bowser is a crony of theirs, it will be pushed across the united states. if we want d.c. to turn into the united states being least desirable place to live, vote for kamala and walz, simple

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answer. >> todd: a report states kamala harris donated laflt year, not in 2019, to defund police group backing d.c. happening sanctuary city law. kamala spent last 24 days not going on tv or doing interviews and focusing on walking back her far left position. do you trust her or is this bait and switch going to happen and she'll unleash far, far left agenda on the entire country? >> absolutely not. you can look at what she's been able to achieve in the last four years, it's nothing. border is wide open. crime is rampant. inflation is out of control. these are same policies she will push for the next four years. i think democrats have stockholm syndrome, too terrified to take help from people that will make

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things better. those that have left the party have seen the light of day. how can you trust someone that failed the bar exam for the first time. when you hire someone into a job, look at merit, and intelligence, she is not ticking on any of these. why let her be president of the united states? >> todd: what is goal of far left politicians? you mentioned bowser, kamala harris, what quality of life when they institute policies in the city? i don't get that connection, do you? >> i upon don't. we've been asking this question everyday of the week and i've asked bowser, i think it is retention of power and elitism. they are disconnected from the reality of cities and are not worried about people that live

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in them employs what happens to everybody else is irrel know vant. >> todd: i did pass the california bar on the first time, make this all about me. i appreciate your time and appreciate that warning, as well. it is important. >> todd: key inflation metric due out as both presidential candidates prepare to layout their economic agendas. >> carley: harris campaign accused

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she grew up in a middle class home. she was the daughter of a working mom. and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree. kamala harris knows what it's like to be middle class. it's why she's determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle class, just more tax cuts for billionaires. being president is about who you fight for. and she's fighting for people like you. i'm kamala harris and i approve this message.

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when people come, they say they've tried lots of diets, nothing's worked or they've lost the same 10, 20, 50 pounds over and over again. they need a real solution. i've always fought with 5-10 pounds all the time. eating all these different things and nothing's ever working. i've done the diets, all the diets. before golo, i was barely eating but the weight wasn't going anywhere. the secret to losing weight and keeping it off

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is managing insulin and glucose. golo takes a systematic approach to eating that focuses on optimizing insulin levels. we tackle the cause of weight gain, not just the symptom. when you have good metabolic health, weight loss is easy. i always thought it would be so difficult to lose weight, but with golo, it wasn't. the weight just fell off. i have people come up to me all the time and ask me, "does it really work?" and all i have to say is, "here i am. it works." my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. >> carley: are kamala's articles getting glowing -- >> todd: cheryl, i can't believe this is a thing.

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>> cheryl: and it is allowed under google rules. axios is reporting harris campaign has been editing news headlines in google search ads. these are advertisem*nts, makes it appear guardian, ap and others are supporting the presidential candidate in her bid to take the white house. it is a common practice in world of advertising. if you take a look at the ads, they look so rule some news outlets were surprised when axios reached out. here is the guardian, we understand why an organization might like to go with the guardian's trust the brand, we want it with our permission. now here is the thing, google allows this, facebook banned advertisers from editing text

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from news articles in an effort to stop misinformation. if you click on the ad, it goes to the article. it is violating google policy, might be something google has to look at. all social media companies are super sensitive about election misinformation and this could qualify for that. the forkedian will never put repro in an article instead of saying reproductive. >> carley: says paid for by kamala harris campaign. it is linked to an article, it looks like n.p.r. is writing that text instead of the harris campaign. if you see paid for by, know harris campaign is paying for

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it. >> todd: you may miss little things if you are scrolling through the article, large part of the electorate. >> cheryl: i think the three of us are aware of this, the average person scrolling on social media will not pay attention. >> carley: people should pay attention to this number coming out today, right? >> cheryl: cpi, this report is election topic, a market topic and maybe getting ensight into where kamala harris economics may be heading. she will make a speech on friday in raleigh, north carolina, the theme is price gouging. she will be picking up on biden promise to go after big companies and corporate executives. >> cost of groceries and gas has gone up, highest priority for

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president and me. fighting inflation is our administration's top economic priorities. for many americans, prices are too high and we have work to do to address that. >> prices for groceries are too high, you know it and i know it. when i am president, it will be day one priority to fight to bring down prices. >> cheryl: full disclosure on the screen, those are past comments from president harris. former president trump will be in north carolina today. gallup poll from april shows 41% of americans name inflation as biggest priority and wages have not kept up under the biden-harris administration. under trump, wages grew by 7%. as for cpi, that is today 8:30

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eastern time. live on fox business. what is interesting about both candidate in north carolina, biden-harris campaign is thinking they can flip north carolina, which is a stretch, but that is what they are going to do. this is the first time we'll hear her talk about her current policy on what she wants to do if elected. >> carley: like 80ish days from the election, no time like the present to talk about policy matters. don't miss upons cheryl on with maria. >> todd: i want to learn about north carolina. >> carley: bring in a small business owner. great to see you, thank you for joining us, anthony. donald trump will be in your neck of the woods and kamala harris will be in north carolina on friday. both candidates talking about

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the economy. how are you doing as a ub restaurant owner? how have you been over past three years under this current administration? >> cost of everything has gone up. cost of delivery service, cost of fuel, cost of protein and produce, labor cost. it is very hard to struggle through that. we're a small pc, a small fish in a small pond. we set this new restaurant up two years ago, revitalized it, redid our menu, c cage cajun and creole. we had to shut it down. every restaurant is one catastrophic failure from having to close down. you save for a rainy day, during the heat end of june and july, we had a catastrophic restaurant failure. cost of fixing that three weeks

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before the hvac companies could come was 40,000, that is substantial and we could not survive and had to shut down. >> carley: inflation impacts foot traffic when it comes if people want to come into a restaurant. tourism, crime in the area, hom homelessness, how are things on that end? >> we work close, talking about we, business districts work close with the city, the police department, fire department to try to help resolve some d disruptions we get from bad actors. it has gotten better. with inflation, less people are traveling or going out.

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our costs have increased, you have decrease in customers and you get a rainy day, which we are told to save for, which we did. we are going to be down for a whole quarter, how does a business survive being down a quarter of the year? it is almost impossible. >> carley: donald trump will be in north carolina today and kamala harris on friday, both want your vote. what are you listening to come it comes to what they have to say that could sway who you support come november? >> i'm a consumer of all news outlets, i do a lot of reading, multiple sources. i enjoy hearing about when trump talked about the average american. i guess i'm an average american, i married my high school sweetheart, served in the military, tried to create jobs and businesses, we care about

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our people like extended family. it is a sad day. cajun creole is a comfort food for me, i grew up in the bayou, and we would shrimp and fish and crawfish. >> carley: i know. anthony, you seem like such a great guy, served in the military, thank you for doing that. married your high school sweetheart, trying to do right by your community. do you have any other businesses open that people can support? >> we have cantina in biltmore village. >> carley: if you live in the area go to the cantina. we wish you the best of luck. >> thank you. >> carley: you are welcome. to a fox news alert, taliban taking victory lap marking three

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years since retaking power in afghanistan. the latest on tensions in the middle east. >> todd: hunter biden is back in the news, joe concha will react to the latest "new york times" report, that is next. ting relief than tylenol rapid release gels. because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. (♪) [honks] (♪) (♪) individual suvs for individuals. imagine that. get offers on select models at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. (lexus mnemonic)

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with so much entertainment out there wouldn't it be great...

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...if you could find what you want, all in one place? show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. >> todd: according to new report

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from "new york times," hunter biden asked the u.s. embassy in italy for help landing the burisma deal. after president biden dropped reelection bid, his administration released records showing his son solipsitted u.s. government assistant. >> i did not know he was on the board of that company. i never discussed my business or their business, my son or daughter's. never discussed anything having to do with ukraine. i have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with businesses, period. >> carley: joe concha joins us now, this is all new information, which is part of the problem. to simplify, burisma wanted to

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do business, so hunter biden working for burisma contacted u.s. embassy in rome to set up a meeting with burisma executives. whap do you think about that and what do you think about the fact we are just learning about this now? >> joe: hunter biden has as much experience in energy sector as you do, and i do and todd does. zero. i know todd passed bar exam in california, i don't believe he ever worked for an energy company. thank you for that. we have known for years. this is vined occasion for media including this one reporting on this story for years only to be accused of pushing right wing propaganda. now that joe biden is not running for reelection, other

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news outlets are willing to report that the biden family is as corrupt as the gambino crime family atz this poinl. they sat on documents that showed hunter biden tried to use his father's influence to help with ukraine. hunter hired by a roman oligarch to protect joe biden's mpoliticl image. now he's off the stage, now suddenly we hear about this reporting. i asked this question, how is joe biden still president of the united states? he does not work. look at his schedule? he can't run the country for four years, but he can be president for four years. today no public events. 3:00 quick call with president of ppanama.

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he does not receive intelligence briefing until 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon. do our terist ares sleep on wednesdays? where is outrage? pointed questions outside of jacqui heinrich and peter doocy. all of it will come out now, where is it coming from? you hear about friction between biden camp and harris camp, either way everybody vin diindicated going back to 2019. >> todd: there is something else here, joe biden is still president, that fact has not changed. any presidential arguments as to why these records needed to be withheld is still in play. what do you make of the hubris of releasing records when joe biden is no longer running, a

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campaign and a presidency are two different points. joke that is a great point. kamala harris know and when did she know it? she would say over and over again, when joe biden was actually the democratic nominee or presumptive she was closest to joe biden more than anyone else outside of dr. jill biden. what did she know and when did she know it? who else knew about this stuff in the state department and biden cabinet and administration. this stifrn is rancid. now we'll see reporting on this. if you are james comer, who led imp impeachment effort against joe biden, there is no there there. nothing shows joe biden is implicated. it shows now he was. what happens next? probably nothing?

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media will pretend this is no big deal. >> carley: "new york times" only received this information after suing the state department for violating freedom of information act in 2021. state department gave the r records having to do with italy and burisma and hunter after joe biden dropped out of the race. coincidence? >> joe: you don't think they had sources telling them that and they sat on it? willing to bet they did. speculating. >> carley: thank you for joining us. to fox news alert, taliban marking three years of control in afghanistan, diplomats from kriern and china joining others at former u.s. air base to mark the anniversary. here is what afghanistan looks like three years after biden administration botched

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withdrawal that left 13 servicemembers dead. females are barred from employment and public floging and executions are normal. critical ceasefire talks set for tomorrow and iran refuses to back down on threats against israel. >> todd: trey yingst is live in israel with the latest, trey. >> trey: good morning. ceasefire talks will resume tomorrow amid hopes of averting larger war. the discussions will be led by qatar and egypt. aim is finding end to war in gaza including release of israeli hostages exchanged for palestinian prisoners. they hope this will prevent iran from launching a larger attack. end to conflict would stabilize a security situation across

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middle east suffering in gaza does continue with civilian death toll rising. horrible stories plague the strip each day. one story pierced hearts of viewers, young father killed in israeli air strike with his wife, latest victims of a horrific war. united states approved 20 billion in military aide for israel as the war grinds on. >> todd: trey, thank you. check in with lawrence jones for what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> lawrence: good morning, you had childhood friends in studio the yesterday. did it make you nervous? >> todd: it made me nervous when steve doocy was like, walk into todd's shot, no, what if a phone goes off or they mentiony anything about my youth. >> carley: they were very nice.

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nerves of steel. >> lawrence: i would have been nervous. see y'all in a minute. we have a big -- not know monday morning, wednesday morning, hump day. new report says harris and her campaign is rewriting headlines to pas off as articles more favorable to democrats. we'll show you how they are doing it. kamala harris is silent on key issues we try to figure out where she stands. her campaign is walking back previous stances like medicare for all and abolishing private insurance, we'll break it down. brand new ufo video raising question, are we alone in the universe? going where no man has gone, william shatner reacts. mike pompeo is here, peteand will are going off the grid. we have a busy wednesday morning show. you don't want to miss a minute

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of it. see you in a bit.

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and beau joins us now. simply put, how can gen z influencers like you make the youth vote an asset for the trump campaign and not a liability? >> well, you know, i think it's -- we have the greatest opportunity we ever had. because, the support for trump has just doubled in this election. and i think with all these influencers all public about their support for trump, you know, elon musk interview last night on twitter, that was just massive, you know. and i think it pulled in three billion impressions roughly across the board, and, you know, 77% of those were 34 or under. so, you know, there is just mask youth support coming out. and i'm more than happy to be a part of it. and i helped bring in a few people like aden ross and others. and i love doing it. i think, you know, we got play their game a little bit. we are not paying these influencers who come out for

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support. unlike the kamala harris campaign. >> todd: sure, the exact numbers are in question. there are a lot of people watching that donald trump elon musk interview. what issues are so essential to the gen z voter that the trump campaign needs to hammer home in order to win them over? >> well, i think, you know, there's a lot of statistics being put out on how unhappy gen z is with their finances, you know, how brutal our economy is. that's the number one thing trump did. trump had a boomenning economy. our economy thrived. he didn't run america like all these owe presidents. he ran like a businessman. he made it thrive like one of his businesses. so, with president trump people know their pockets will be full. and their families will be protected. their doors borders secured. interesting how kamala harris is chasing trump's accomplish. s like a trail of cookies.

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no tax on tips which is great for a lot of gen z. put in hard 9 to 5 hours. and now she is saying no tax on tips. and he wants to secure the border and keep it safe. now she want to secure the border. the thing is everyone is saying you are president now, you are in the office now, why not do now? i don't know. instead of making all these promises. >> todd: right now, for voters between ages of 18 to 29 they prefer obama 16%. to say that gen z voter caught up in the kamala honeymoon right now when planning to vote for her, what would you say to change their mind 20 seconds to you, beau? bo?>> i wouldn't put my biggest support in someone who thinks i'm stupid. that's what kamala said 18 to 24-year-olds are stupid. trump loves the youth. gen z loves trump. and he has got the support. and he is going to do great things for not just gen z but all voters. and he makes that very clear

3:00 am

with all his policies. his whole campaign. it's booming. and i think, you know, kamala is very public about had she is. she lies about her race. she lies about her policies. she lies about her promises to this country. >> todd: understood. >> trump is very open. we have already seen what he can do as president. kamala has been vice president. we haven't seen any action. so i think people can see trump's action vs. kamala's and trump is going to bring in the biggest, biggest presidential boom we have ever seen. >> todd: but, we got to go. thank you for your time. got to see if you and your buddy baron about be out on the campaign trail. >> carley: smart young person there. >> todd: young folks going to be key. >> carley: is he baron's friend. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great day, everybody. ♪ ♪

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