Handprint Animals A To Z - Animallot (2024)

Handprint Animals A To Z - Animallot (1)Introduction:
Handprint animals are a delightful way to engage children in the world of arts and crafts while fostering their creativity and imagination. By using their own hands as a template, children can transform simple handprints into an array of adorable animals. From A to Z, this article will explore an extensive list of handprint animals, providing step-by-step instructions on how to create each one. So, let’s embark on this artistic journey and discover the fascinating world of handprint animals!

A – Alligator:
To create an alligator handprint, begin by painting the palm and fingers green. Press the hand firmly onto a piece of paper, leaving a clear handprint. After the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, nostrils, scales, and a mouth with sharp teeth. Add some green scales along the back of the alligator to complete this fearsome creature.

B – Bear:
For a bear handprint, start by painting the palm and fingers brown. Place the handprint on paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward, resembling the bear’s head. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to add eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Extend the paw by drawing four lines for the bear’s legs. Finally, draw small claws on each finger to complete the bear’s handprint.

C – Cat:
To create a cat handprint, paint the palm and fingers white. Press the hand onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers are closely together. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and use the marker to draw lines for the cat’s whiskers. For a finishing touch, draw stripes on the cat’s body, resembling fur patterns.

D – Dolphin:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers gray or blue for a dolphin handprint. Press the hand firmly onto a sheet of paper, ensuring that the fingers are close together and pointing downward. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw an eye and a smiling mouth. Add a dorsal fin on top of the handprint, extending upward. Finally, draw a curved line along the bottom of the handprint to complete the dolphin’s body.

E – Elephant:
For an elephant handprint, paint the palm and fingers gray. Press the hand onto paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward, resembling the elephant’s head. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw an eye, a long trunk, and tusks. Extend the palm by drawing four lines for the elephant’s legs. Finally, add small toenails on each finger and draw wrinkles on the elephant’s body.

F – Fox:
To create a fox handprint, paint the palm and fingers orange. Press the hand onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers are close together and pointing downward. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and draw a white patch on the fox’s chest. Finally, use the marker to draw a bushy tail extending from the wrist.

G – Giraffe:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers yellow for a giraffe handprint. Press the hand firmly onto paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward, resembling the giraffe’s head and neck. Once the paint dries, use a brown marker to draw spots on the handprint. Add a pair of eyes and ossicones (horns) on top of the handprint. Finally, draw a body and long legs extending from the wrist to complete the giraffe’s handprint.

H – Horse:
For a horse handprint, paint the palm and fingers brown. Press the hand onto a sheet of paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward, resembling the horse’s head. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and draw a mane extending from the wrist. Finally, draw four legs and hooves extending from the palm to complete the horse’s handprint.

I – Iguana:
To create an iguana handprint, paint the palm and fingers green. Press the hand firmly onto paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add a crest on top of the handprint, resembling the iguana’s spiky back. Finally, draw four legs and claws extending from the palm to complete the iguana’s handprint.

J – Jellyfish:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers pink or purple for a jellyfish handprint. Press the hand onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes and a smiley mouth. Add tentacles by drawing wavy lines extending from the fingers. Finally, draw a curvy line along the bottom of the handprint to complete the jellyfish’s body.

K – Koala:
For a koala handprint, paint the palm and fingers gray. Press the hand onto paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward, resembling the koala’s head. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and draw a round belly. Finally, draw four legs and claws extending from the palm to complete the koala’s handprint.

L – Lion:
To create a lion handprint, paint the palm and fingers yellow. Press the hand firmly onto a sheet of paper, ensuring that the fingers are close together. Once the paint dries, use a brown marker to draw a tuft of hair around the lion’s face. Add eyes, a nose, and a mouth using the black marker. Finally, draw a mane extending from the wrist, completing the lion’s handprint.

M – Monkey:
For a monkey handprint, paint the palm and fingers brown. Press the hand onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and draw a tail extending from the wrist. Finally, draw four legs and small hands with fingers extending from the palm to complete the monkey’s handprint.

N – Narwhal:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers blue for a narwhal handprint. Press the hand onto paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw an eye and a smiling mouth. Add a long, spiral-shaped tusk on top of the handprint. Finally, draw a curved line along the bottom of the handprint to complete the narwhal’s body.

O – Owl:
To create an owl handprint, paint the palm and fingers brown. Press the hand firmly onto a sheet of paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw large eyes, a beak, and feathers on the head. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint. Finally, draw wings on each side of the handprint and claws on each finger to complete the owl’s handprint.

P – Penguin:
For a penguin handprint, paint the palm and fingers black. Press the hand onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers face downward. Once the paint dries, use a white marker to draw a white belly on the penguin. Add eyes, a beak, and feet using the black marker. Finally, draw wings on each side of the handprint to complete the penguin’s handprint.

Q – Quail:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers brown for a quail handprint. Press the hand firmly onto paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw an eye and a beak. Add feathers on top of the handprint. Finally, draw wings on each side of the handprint and small legs with claws extending from the palm to complete the quail’s handprint.

R – Rabbit:
To create a rabbit handprint, paint the palm and fingers white. Press the hand onto a sheet of paper, ensuring that the fingers are close together. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint. Finally, draw four legs and paws extending from the palm to complete the rabbit’s handprint.

S – Snake:
For a snake handprint, paint the palm and fingers green. Press the hand onto paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes and a tongue. Add scales along the handprint, resembling the snake’s body. Finally, draw a curvy line along the bottom of the handprint to complete the snake’s body.

T – Tiger:
To create a tiger handprint, paint the palm and fingers orange. Press the hand firmly onto a piece of paper, ensuring that the fingers are close together. Once the paint dries, use a black marker to draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Add pointy ears on top of the handprint and draw stripes on the tiger’s body. Finally, draw four legs and paws extending from the palm to complete the tiger’s handprint.

U – Unicorn:
Begin by painting the palm and fingers white or any desired color for a unicorn handprint. Press the hand onto paper, ensuring that the fingers are spread apart. Once the

Handprint Animals A To Z - Animallot (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.